Media Watch: 'Grrr Chronicle – Get a Fact Checker'

sf chronicle fact checking humprhey slocombe



Allan Makes Fun of Dinosaur Chron Reporter at SF Appeal

Dinosaur Chron Reporter Asks Chef Anthony (Who at the Time is Putting a Meatloaf Sandwich into His Mouth) If He is a Vegetarian on Mission Mission

The Future of Journalism in San Francisco on Mission Mission

Ice Cream and a Shot of Beam on Mission Mission

UPDATE: (Via direct message)

humphry slocombe twitter chronicle

Urban Outfitters are Not the Only Ones with their Hands in the MJ Coffin


(Found on Mission St. at 16th.  Thanks Laura B.!)

Children Playing God at Paxton Gate




(Found at Paxton Gate’s Curiosities For Kids)

Old Memories

Old Memories
A time gone by. Lost and maybe forgotten. A day of old. Before they invented smiling.

The Rapture

Photo courtesy of Don’t ask me, I just work here, our new favorite super triple rad photo blog.

(With a wink to Jameth, wherever he is.)

Please Retweet: Pop-Up Wedding

pop up web 20 wedding mission district

Brittney over at Eye on Blogs caught wind of this fun little document of some impromptu nuptials in the Mission:

[T]his video about a Mission-style pop-up 2.0 wedding that happened in San Francisco elicits a big SQUEEEE. This couple is so cute, and so are their parents and friends, who learned about the impromptu wedding via text message or Google Chat or Facebook.

Pop-Up, 2.0, Mission-Style Wedding

Ferocious in the Streets


Saturday we had the Mission Creek Music and Arts Festival’s big free concert at Jerry Garcia Amphitheater in John McLaren Park. Sunday we had Sunday Streets with all its roller-disco parties and drum circles, as well as the SF Symphony’s free performance in Dolores Park. Yet on both days, The Ferocious Few stole the show.


They’re impromptu and primitive, and also thoroughly entertaining. They’re drawing bigger and bigger crowds, so enjoy them now before they get signed and famous and start playing gutters in Monte Carlo or Beverly Hills or some shit instead of the Mission. Their CD, home made and usually available direct from the band (and pictured after the jump) is an extremely solid value.


The Ferocious Few Rock Out


Missionite Kirt Fitzpatrick Wins at Mountain Bike Nationals

Best Podium Shot Ever

Word on the street is that Mission resident and Sexual Camel team rider Kirt Fitzpatrick won his age category as a cat 1 (read: fast people) last weekend at Mountain Bike Nationals.  Major bonus points for embodying several hipster stereotypes on the podium.

In the event he inspires you to strive for athletic glory, he has previously shared some insights regarding his pre-season training:


I found this scan of Steve Prefontaine’s notes from a speech he gave in 1974. Let’s run down how I’m doing on the ole checklist.

  • My diet consists largely of alcohol and Mexican fast food
  • I’m sleeping in the living room of a home that calls itself “Casa de Chaos”
  • I skipped half my workouts so far this year

Impeding the Flow of Traffic


What’s more annoying double parked on Mission Street on a sunny Sunday afternoon — undercover cops or the Urban Safari?



Undercover Cop Crack Rock Scuffle

Undercover Badass

Undercover Takedown at Muddy Waters

Urban Safari in the Gang Injunction Zone (Video)

BREAKING: New Bowling Alley Coming to the Mission?

bowling with handgunsEater SF has come forward with a rumor that there are plans in the works for a small bowling alley in the Mission.  They did not unveil where the planned bowling alley would be so who knows if this is even remotely true.  That said, if a bowling alley does come to the Mission, it would be earth-shatteringly awesome:

Keep in mind that this is some good ol’ fashioned unconfirmed rumormongering at its very finest, but it would appear that a new bowling alley could be en route for the Mission. It would be on the small side (only six lanes or so) and a group is currently trying to get all the paperwork together. The biggest obstacle to be overcome is the ABC and the maze that is liquor licensing, which is tricky for places like bowling alleys. Add in the current ABC crackdown surrounding clubs and the requirements for food sales, and things get even more dicey.

Though it’s definitely still only in the planning stage—albeit far enough along that the ABC is a hurdle—a potential bowling alley could be something to keep an eye on. Plus, it goes without saying that with a bowling alley in the Mission would be a gold mine. That is, if it gets through the red tape. (link)

More importantly, Burrito Justice has discovered that there was a bowling alley way back in 1915 next to some places that played “moving pictures.”