Hot new look for Indian summer: Stars and stripes

Wow, this hot couple would fit in just perfectly with those fab stripe troika ladies!  Now all I need is a clever way to incorporate four stripes into a pithy phrase.  Stripe quartet just doesn’t strike the right chord…any suggestions?

Also, now that we mention it, hey, Indian summer?  Yeah, you!  It’d be nice if you decided to show up soon!  I wanna wear shorts and a t-shirt at night!

10 Responses to “Hot new look for Indian summer: Stars and stripes”

  1. Akadio says:

    Dude, it’s not “Indian Summer” unless it’s unusual.

    September and October *are* summer. In San Francisco that is.

    SUMMER is coming!!!

  2. Soonerdiver says:

    Move yourself to Oklahoma… you can wear shorts for 9 months out of the year! And you don’t have to put up with all the ‘screwy’ politics that make up San Francisco!

  3. Tom in SFCA says:

    She’s hot. He’s not.

  4. doh says:

    what windowless van did he come out of?

  5. DJM says:

    Shutup! Don’t talk about my poppa that way!!!

  6. daddy long leg says:

    she is cute… where do I order one?

  7. harmatar says:

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