Drink of the Week: Sierra Nevada Double Pale Ale

At 9.5% ABV, this was a gnarly thing to try to drink on such a summery summer weekend, but I just had to try this rare variation on the classic Sierra Nevada Pale Ale. Its full name has something to do with the 25th anniversary of Celebrator Beer News, so I suspect it won’t be widely available, or available for long, but it was on tap at Zeitgeist as of a couple days ago.

Basically, it tastes like they crammed two or three classic Sierras into one small goblet: lots of hops, lots of sweetness, lots of texture. And lots of alcohol. Highly recommended if you’re a fan of the original, though it’d be more fun to drink in the winter months. (Good thing June is coming soon.)

Drink of the week is brought to you by Poachedjobs.com.

Hiding from the hot Sunday afternoon

What's up, dawg.

Sometimes you’ve got to take shelter in a dark bar.

Another hot day under the cherry blossoms

Hot days

Rich nerds in Noe Valley


[via @kmodes]

Manchester meets Berlin, tonight in the Lower Haight

DJ Tristes Tropiques, of the Mission-based Haçeteria crew, is one of the most talented and versatile DJs I know, so I’m pretty sure this is gonna rule. From American Tripps‘s official invite:

For this edition of our monthly party in the Lower Haight, we asked DJ Tristes Tropiques (Haçeteria SF) to put together a Manchester-themed set (featuring New Order, the Smiths, the Fall, and other acts from those heady dayz).

RSVP and invite your friends!

The Mallard’s last show ever is TONIGHT at the Knockout

If you’ve never seen one of the best live shows the city has to offer, tonight’s your last chance. Get thee there.

Beautiful day in the park!

P.S. Sorry, Jessica :P

How to make your own holiday wreath

Just ride your bicycle through a goddamn forest.

Still, I suppose this isn’t as bad as the last ridiculous thing that happened to my bike.

(Title inspiration from Vic)

Belly overload!

Chefs Justin Navarro (from The Galley) and Wes Rowe (who knows everything there is to know about the SF burger scene) have put together something very special for this weekend:

Belly Dinner Menu

Salmon Belly
crushed wasabi peas, pickled ginger, and soy reduction

Lamb Bacon
served atop arugula and potato soup with creme fraiche

Bbq’ed Pork Belly
with pickled slaw

Strawberry Rhubarb Pie by Magpies
with Jelly Belly Ice-Cream

Wine Pairing $20
Paired by Kris Esqueda of Vinyl Wine Bar

Get tickets!

Drama Talk & Drinks: Comedy at The Cynic Cave

Welcome to the second installment of “Drama Talk & Drinks”, a new feature here on Mission Mission. Our friends Katie Cruz and Brittany Janis go see a local show, then they go to a bar, get drinks, and talk about it. Here’s their report:

[pic by Katie Cruz]

Rumor had it something funny was going on under Lost Weekend Video. Last year they opened The Cinecave in their basement, and now they’re hosting a variety of awesomeness, including some of SF’s funniest. Last Saturday we decided to check out their Cynic Cave Comedy Show featuring Bucky Sinister, Shanti Charan, Red Scott, Kelly Anneken and Miles K hosted by George Chen and Kevin O’Shea. Here’s our drama talk:

Brittany: The host (Kevin O’Shea) was awesome! I loved that he started with “This is the most fun you are going to have in a basement in 2013” because I think that is true. I haven’t had that much fun in a basement in a while.

Katie: I definitely didn’t feel lied to, which is always nice. Shockingly good for $10.
