Watch the trailer for ‘Haints Stay’, the new book by Colin Winnette

Colin Winnette is a Mission-based author who writes mind-bending fiction and mysterious non-fiction tweets.

Here is the trailer for his new book, Haints Stay, which comes out tomorrow:

Here is what I wrote about a previous book of his, Fondly:

I’m halfway through Fondly and it is a fucking trip. After reading it for a while, I’d be going about my day and suddenly have a thought like, “Trains probably don’t really exist,” and actually think this thought for like 10 seconds before realizing my error. This is a good book. [link]

Haints Stay will probably be a good book too. Some website has called it “the most anticipated independent novel of the summer,” and I’ve read about 15 pages and they gave me the creeps, made me wanna drink whiskey, made me wanna buy a gun and hop a train and learn to fight and live in the woods and listen to Tom Waits even more than I usually do — and they also made me want to read the other 198 or so pages as soon as possible. (But I can’t, because it’s not out yet.)

You may preorder it here (because preorders are good for authors, you know), and you may attend the release party (featuring food, beverages, a “campfire” and a “retelling” of the book) at Booksmith on Haight Street on Wednesday at 7pm.

[via Colin Winnette on Tumblr]

One Response to “Watch the trailer for ‘Haints Stay’, the new book by Colin Winnette”

  1. anadromy says:

    Here’s to a long life of shares enjoyed, on top. Really!