An interesting comment was left on Kevin’s 23rd/Capp graffiti post from a few months back. Commenter “The Property Owner” writes:
To hear that we as the Owner let the graffiti sit there is absolutely ridiculous. We paint that wall at least once a month, and it is tagged before it even dries!
This is a letter sent to the tenants of the property:
December 9, 2009
3241-3247 23rd Street
San Francisco, CA 94110
RE: Mural Project
Dear Tenants,
As you are well aware, for many years we have been dealing with a graffiti problem at the property. In the past we have always covered up the graffiti, but in some instances the paint is not dry, before it is ‘tagged’ again.
In an effort to stop this nuisance and contribute to the neighborhood, we have begun working with the San Francisco Arts Commission in hopes of having a mural on the property rather than ugly graffiti. We have taken all the preliminary steps in this process, but would now like your input as well. Being that it is your home we have included a package of three artists who are the current candidates for a mural project. Please review the package and give us any feedback as to your preference of artist, we are also open to suggestions as to the theme of the mural.
We appreciate any feedback and patience as we work on this project. We are the first such property and owner/management group working with the San Francisco Arts Commission, so there is not a step by step guide for us to follow!
Should there be any questions, please feel free to contact our office at the below-mentioned information.
Nicholas Scarabosio
Jackson Group Property Management
A mural! Three artists to choose from! Wouldn’t that be totally bitchcakes if the three artists to choose from were BNE, ORFN, and Dick Chicken?
Either way, I hope this helps the situation. I was just reading over on Curbed that San Francisco spends $3.7 million a year(!) painting over graffiti. Sheesh. We should send all these vandal kids to live with their aunties and uncles in Bel Air.