3D City: Pillow Fight

Another Valentine’s Day, another massive Pillow Fight in Justin Herman Plaza. This year I brought my Nimslo camera and a roll of Fuji’s 800 ISO film. These explosions of feathers and streaks of light are what I came back with. Since this is my fifth installment of 3D City, I’ve also attached a little bonus image at the bottom. It’s an unedited scan, so you can see how the shots look straight off my camera.

Hidden Valentines

Mission Valentines. #xo

Yeah, I know, Valentine’s Day is dumb, blah blah blah. But, maybe it’s a good excuse for a scavenger hunt. Something to inspire you to look at the stuff you see every day in a new way. Where around the neighborhood do you see hidden VD or anti-VD messages?

Last year’s Valentine’s heart bike ride becomes Verizon commercial


When I first saw this commercial on TV a few weeks ago, my initial reaction was “OMG, those Verizon people stole this idea from that Valentine’s bike ride dude from last year!  It’s a travesty!”  Fortunately, rather than jump to conclusions with an incendiary blog post, I did a little research and learned from the Mission Bicycle guys that the ad agency hired by Verizon actually got in touch to find the lovestruck cyclist who originally embarked on the ride and then went and used him in the commercial!

Mission Bicycle has the whole story over on their blog, so go and check it out, and then try your best to think of something even better to do this year for that special someone in your life!

[Photo via Mission Bicycle]


Bender’s Orgy

Well, it may not have been as scandalous as the orgy in Dolores Park, but if you’re going at it for more than ten minutes in a crowded bar, you’re bound to have someone yell this at you (before they ride away listening to Kraftwerk).

Happy Valentine’s Day everyone!

Even Homies Fall In Love

(via reader James P.)

Michael Jackson Posters Brighten Valentine’s Day

Thriller 25 originally uploaded by allanhough

There’s nothing more titillating than seeing posters of the best album ever on a sunny Valentine’s Day. I think I’ll bust out my Billie Jean moves tonight after the aufblasbare rutsche party (if disproportionate nipples and vomitous crime scenes turn you on, this is the perfect Valentine’s Day aphrodisiac).