The Rapture

This rapture seems to have claimed the earthly body of some kind of skateboarding construction worker.


The Rapture

Supercharged Craigslist Eyes

Finding a new place to live in this city can be tough, you guys. Like super tough, right? Yesterday, Jen Gann broke it down. Like a poet or something:

Get a new voice, get a new email, get super charged Craigslist eyes. Stalk the columns. Separate ads from each other. Know the rental companies, the short cuts in applications, the fastest way to beat another’s application with your own. Offer to pay and pay now. Carry your checkbook like it’s a change purse and use it just as often.

Read on.

Photo by Robby Virus.

Power to the Pedestrians!

Our cranky old commenter Cranky Old Mission Guy might be on to something:

I have an idea.

How about all us pedestrians pick one day per month to meet, link arms, and walk from one place to another — completely blocking the streets AND the sidewalks — while randomly ignoring traffic laws, common sense, and any notion of courtesy to other San Francisco residents (we’ll blame it on “the fringe element”)? I’m sure the bicycle people will be happy to show their solidarity by not trying to cross our lines!

Sure, he’s being facetious, but really — why not have a pedestrian Critical Mass once a month?

Photo by smi23le.

"Probably Stolen" Tandem Bike and Owner Reunited

A nice little story to brighten up this needlessly gloomy June morning!  After the call went out on Monday about a probably stolen tandem bike that was found abandoned after Sunday Streets by a kind stranger, sleuthy MM readers discovered a similar Craigslist ad and the real owner eventually came forward. 

Great work to everyone involved in uniting this happy couple and their trusty tandem bicycle!  We here at MM haven’t felt this useful since helping to reunite kidnapped Mr. Pickle with his delicious sandwich-purveying Mama Pickle.

Mr. Pickle Saga

BREAKING: Mr. Pickle Stolen!

BREAKING: Mr. Pickle Found!

BREAKING: Mr. Pickle Hostage Situation!

UPDATE: Mr. Pickle to be Voluntarily Returned?

Mr. Pickle Returned to Mama Pickle!


Found a Probably Stolen Tandem Bike 

Clare's East Coast Deli Finally Open

Remember way back in November when this place’s imminent opening was announced? Well, hella months later Eye on Blogs delivers the good news that they’re open and partnered with the 500 Club and TCB Courier. So you can pick up any one of those sandwiches listed above and wash it down with a pint of lager a couple doors down, OR get it delivered right to your door. Welcome to the neighborhood, Clare’s!

How Creative Are You?

You see, this tag is creative in that in completely subverts the nature of creativity! Hella creative!

Penelope Popsicle took the picture, as usual.

Victor Reyes Profiled In The Chronicle

Here's a G

Maybe it’s one of those things when you want to know more about the person who’s behind something that you really like and then once you learn a little bit you realize that you didn’t really need to know. Or maybe not.

Mission artist Victor Reyes seems like a cool enough guy. He and the Chronicle writer, Justin Berton, talk to a random “hipster”, then Berton calls Reyes out for how much he sold a piece and Reyes explains graffiti.

I guess it’s a better piece than that. It’s always going to be a little embarrassing, I assume, when you read your profile in The Chronicle. Anyway, I still think Reyes is the best working street artist around these parts.

Victor Reyes a man of letters on a Mission

Wheel Heist

Broke-Ass Stuart says:

Just saw this on Folsom btw 22nd and 23rd. Looks like someone pinched all four tires and the car looks brand new. I thought this only happened in shit like Police Academy and comedies that take place in New York in the ’80s.

You thought wrong, Stu! Thanks for the pic!

Saint Selleck

This is the best Tom Selleck-related work of art since SWS, am I right?

Photo by nuzz.

Don't Wear White Shoes After Labor Day, Or to an Epicly Popular Dance Party at the Knockout



Photos by Chris Brennan.


Kevin Montgomery’s Epicly Controversial Review of the Knockout’s Monthly “Debaser” Party