Full Bowl of Humans for 'Breakfast'

Special report by Malcolm McMillan:

Thousands of Dolores Park denizens threw down blankets, taped their buns together, and broke out the bubbly (tallboys) for the first Saturday edition of Film Night in the Park – a free screening of John Hughes’ clique-busting, run-punching 1985 gesamptkunstwerk, The Breakfast Club.

The fun-jump screen handily conveyed Judd Nelson’s glorious rhinostrils to the tippy top of the hill before a back drop of falling stars, distant fireworks, and mobile “I lost me to meth” billboards driving up and down Dolores. [Can we not enjoy our picnic baskets full of project propellant in peace, for Pete's sake?] A cumulus of ganj billowed up right on cue with the onscreen sesh, and the echoing bowl lent a propaganda rally flare to the movie’s spazz prancing subversiveness.

Film Night in the Park: What was that?
Me: Eat. My. Shorts.
Film Night in the Park: You just bought yourself another Saturday.
Me: What can I say? I’m THRILLED!!

Stay tuned for O Brother, Where Art Thou @ Dolores Park, 9/20/08 (dusk)

Thanks, Malcolm!

[Photo by Malcolm too. Click to enlarge.]

Dolores Burrito in Berlin Obviously Not as Good as Taco-Truck Burrito

In May, we broke the story of Dolores Burrito, a Mission-style burrito place in Berlin. Our friend Anna was very excietd to hear the news (“OMG!!!!! oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!!!! how excietd am i???? sooooo excited!!”). She finally went:

Well, it was obviously not going to be like a tacotruck burrito … but, they had Anchor Steam!! (if there’s that then maybe there’s sierra somewhere in berlin, too, and then allan would have won yet another bet). Anyway, it was kind of complicated to order – six different steps, but you could get everything from guac to sour cream. Don’t know why they don’t just have a super-burrito option. They have 5 differnt types of spicyness and the most spicy was spicy (rare for German!). The types of meat you can get are not really authentic but everything tasted good. And it’s a little pricey for Berlin. But overall it’s a really cool place to hang out when you get a certain kind of craving and it does fill you up like a taco-truck burrito.

I can’t wait to try this place out! Note: Malcolm M. swears you can’t get Sierra Nevada in Berlin because of German beer purity law, but Allan suspects otherwise, because how can they not have Sierra Nevada?! It’s fucking good!

So if anyone knows of a place where they do…

Previously on Mission Mission:

How to Eat a Mission-Style Burrito

Chopped, Screwed Mariah Carey Video Features El Farolito Chile Relleno Burrito

Just Get Out There and Push: The Fix-Push Skateboarding Revolution

Mission Mission pal Malcolm M. hipped us to this short documentary about a new trend born on the streets of the Mission District. Anybody tried it yet?

Previously on Mission Mission:

Skate-Punk Poetry Overheard Outside the Nice Lady Store

Overheard at Zeitgeist

I’m paraphrasing:

“Bartender, is this place really gonna close and be replaced by a Borders?”

“Dude, no! That must’ve been printed in the Onion or something.”

Aww shucks.

(Thanks, Malcolm M.)

Thursday Night Entertainment Pick: DJ Katie at Beauty Bar

Mission Mission’s very own Katie will be on the decks at Beauty Bar on Thursday from 7:30ish to 10ish. Katie tends to spin disco, soul, old r&b, and sometimes some ’60s garage rock and reggae. Last time, the dance floor got positively white hot! In attendance might be Mission Mission pals like Malcolm M., Lola and A Panda. Plus, a prize to the first person to guess Friend X‘s secret identity and point her out.

Link to archive of Katie’s posts.

Photo by Spencer Mack

iViva Zeitgeist! (Boo, Borders)

We got a lot of heartwarming feedback regarding today’s post about the fate of Zeitgeist

1. Malcolm M. recommends a classic Leisure Town installment, “A Grand Day Out”, which may or may not take place in and around the vicinity of the bar in question:


Link to complete slideshow.

2. Outraged Charles B. says:

We should go when Ali is here maybe… although it really calls for a big big group of people. Maybe Mills people and everyone I know in town will want to go out.
We should also burn the Borders to the ground one it’s done.

3. Curbed SF picked up the story. Sarah conjectures as to what might transpire:

Heads exploding, fists flying, inner children dying, Tom Ammiano on the ground, gasping for breath … Madness, just pure, delicious madness.


4. In seeking out art for this follow up, I myself came upon a wealth of good stuff on Flickr, including:

Dick jokes:

Link to larger.

and pink elephant graffiti:

Link to larger.

Also, we’ve gotten a bunch of hits via the SGSF Bay Area group on Suicide Girls, but we don’t know what they’re saying because none of us are members. Anyway, to one and all, thanks for reading.

(Zeitgeist photo by diavolerie, dick joke photo by DrScaryBeard, pink elephants photo by fiveinchpixie)

What Happens if You Accidentally Cruise through the FasTrak Lane with No Transponder?

With FasTrak in the news today, I thought it pertinent to share this documentary, Toll Plaza, which offers a behind-the-scenes look at an area toll plaza, provides insight into how to deal with FasTrak-related snafus, and ruminates on the societal implications of the system itself. The movie follows the plight of Malcolm M., frequent bridge tobogan hinchable user and fervent FasTrak naysayer. With music by the Modern Lovers.

Link to FasTrak homepage.