Across The Mission

Troy Holden, photographer from the supergroup Caliber and formerly Plug 1 (I can stop saying that now, right?) has really been tearing it up lately and before Brittney can . . . okay, never mind, she already posted this, but I still wanted to put it up. It’s a view of our neighborhood, and I get to do that. Just look at it for a moment, please. It’s amazing.
At This Hour Of The Day
I usually only put up my own pics, but even my ego’s not large enough to hold this one back.

Heirloom Coming to 21st & Folsom

In case you were wondering what was up with the corner of 21st and Folsom, Eater SF has the answer.



L.A. foodist Matt Straus is slapping together a space called Heirloom, likely taking inspiration from his catering company.  Judging by the sample menus, looks like standard Californian fare (DON’T WORRY, THEY GOT FIG TARTLETS!).

A Los Angelan restauranteur in San Francisco, eh?  I think this is ripe time for another geographically-based food flamewar.  Take it away, commenters.

Update: Art Students Still Love Dismembered Bodies

Sara spotted these two mannequins, likely victims of a sociopath-in-training, just chillin’ at Mission and 14th yesterday.

Previously: What’s Up with Art Students and Dismembered Bodies?

DIY Sparks

I was one of the many people who were mortally crushed when our own goddamn city cracked down on the delicious nectar of Sparks.  Great memories, such as pounding back 3 of these bad boys between 7 stops on the Green Line in Boston before seeing Snakes on a Plane (result: I was constantly hissing for 90 minutes in the theater, which I guess is risk-taking behavior), seemed like they were being robbed from me and future generations of completely irresponsible 20-somethings.  Luckily SFoodie, the best blog of all time, has both delivered and reviewed a formula for “Bathtub Sparks.” The result? “This is the best day of my life.”

What are your favorite Sparks memories?  Don’t tell me in the comments, because I don’t give a fucking shit.


Rum Balloon

We Built This City peeped this bit of nonsense at 23rd and Guerrero.  What is it about sticking a pen into a sidewalk that makes people’s minds melt and put together two awesome yet completely unrelated words?

The Final Taboo Broken at Mission and Van Ness

Photo and title by James.   We are what we eat, y’all!

I can’t stop looking at this image.  This, plus the negative NYT review of Jonathan Safran Foer’s Go Veg book (which changed Natalie Portman’s life, just like The Shins) I read mere minutes before receiving this photo has given me a lot to think about today.  I’d call it “food for thought,” but that’d be way too much of a mindfuck.

Fan Mail: "You're representing yourself as a tactless shithead when you post things of this sort"

Just a friendly reminder to be a little more polite on the internets:

I love this photo!

And, she’s not a hipster. She’s my best friend.

Some of you should try to remember that you’re not commenting on an anonymous photograph and are being insensitive toward your neighbors and community. Whether or not you think she’s a hipster some of these snarky comments are downright rude. You’re representing yourself as a tactless shithead when you post things of this sort:

“I hope he bit off those leggings.”

“Clearly she is a clown making her walk of shame post clown car orgy (you’d be surprised how many people fit in her-I mean there. In this dog she sees another way to make small children cry. Jesus people.”

“more like an unidentifiable late 30s white woman that is desperately trying to hold onto her youth by wearing ‘fun’, ‘cheery / edgy’ and ‘awkwardly mismatched’ clothing with RUNNING SHOES to tie it all together; that any true hipster would never wear. i should know.”


Bros vs. Buddhists: The Medjool Debate

Steven Seagal: Both bro and Buddhist

Laurie forwards a note from the Director of the San Francisco Buddhist Center, in order to provide us with “another side of the story.”  Read on:

Dear friends of the San Francisco Buddhist Center,
The SFBC wants to let you know about a situation that will potentially have a big effect on our ability to practice at the Center in the future (and for residents, to live in the building.)

Some of you are familiar with cafe Medjool which is just behind the Center, on Mission street. A couple of years ago they opened an unpermited outdoor rooftop bar. The reason I know this is because of the nights I spent feeling like my apartment was vibrating with sound, even with both sound windows shut, a pillow over my head, ear plugs in my ears. The blasting music and shouting from the bar also disrupted meditation classes. Over a couple of years the city was inundated with complaints from the neighborhood so the rooftop bar was shut down (the rest of the business is still happening) so things have been quiet again for several months. There is a Board of Appeals hearing this Wednesday that will determine if they can open the bar again.

Medjool has launched a “Save Medjool” campaign, claiming that the city has gone mad trying to revoke their permit for the outdoor bar (they never had one) and that neighbors and the SFBC are “whiners” since Medjool paid for the sound windows in the building (also not true.) (And their noise is far beyond the level of sound windows anyway).

“Save Medjool” signs have been cropping up in the Mission, as if it’s some kind of ‘power to the people’ thing. My guess is that people who like the bar do not know what the real issues are, that is is illegal and a hazard to the neighbors and the Center which by law has precedence because it is a religious community established here for 10 years before Medjool came into the scene. But the Save Medjool Facebook page has almost 1700 members! The page invites people to the hearing, with Save Medjool buttons to wear, and offers free transportation! So I think the meeting may be packed out with Medjool supporters.

If you want to help try to “Save the SFBC meditation hall” (from seeming like it’s in the middle of a rave or raucous cocktail party), PLEASE COME TO THE APPEALS HEARING WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 18 AT 5PM.
Wear an SFBC t-shirt (or if you don’t have one, something light blue? Or whatever!)
City Hall, Room 416, One Dr. Carlton B Goodlett Place.

Please let me know if you have any questions.
Suvanna Cullen
Director, San Francisco Buddhist Center

Fair enough.  Don’t forget to attend if interested, it sounds like the Buddhists may be outnumbered by the Medjoolites and could likely use the manpower.

Should we get some “Team Bro” and “Team Buddha” t-shirts printed up?

Art Student On The Loose in the Mission District

EPA has the scoop.


Messy, messy.  That’s totally not how you vacuum a car.

On 15th between Mision and Julian.  Thanks to Public Frenemy for sending in.