Google Chrome: The Mission District of Browsers

Mind blown.


Dolores Flash Rave Goes Awry

Went to Dolores Park today around 3:30 PM and happened upon a flash rave. I asked around and found out it was for a birthday party. A largely high school crowd with all the usuals in attendance: Hula-hoop man, Candy Kid, and the Goblin King of course.

At around 4:30 things took a perilous turn. The music silenced, and when the crowd finally stopped groaning we saw a number of paramedics marching up the 19th street entrance. Amidst the revelry a teenage girl had ODed, and was sprawled on her back across a blanket. Three paramedics set to work with a defibrillator and a stomach pump, and after 11 of the most gut-wrenching minutes I’ve had in an era, she came around. We last saw her loaded into the ambulance, which drove away North on Dolores. Who needs a drink?

Anyone else see anything?

Vegetarians Can Be Reprobates Too

Just when you thought cucumbers had it the worst.

Thanks to Junk Thief for illuminating a growing problem in the vegetable community.

Save The Whales (Before They Get Angry)

Save The Whales - Side
Art car spotting! More pics after the jump. (I always wanted to write that!)

Sticker on Sticker Crime

Some 6th grade teacher was clearly grading sticker tags last week.  Although I was not too impressed with this particular piece, anything assessed to be worthy of the esteemed “four spiders” designation deserves some props.

Get Your Organic Cocktails Muddled By Your Favorite Mission Mixologist

Eater points out an interesting generalization made about Mission bars in a Chronicle article about North Beach’s Tosca:

The implication is that time has passed Tosca by and so have the young drinkers who give bars energy. They’ve migrated to the Mission District, where a bartender must have a pedigree in “mixology” and a modeling portfolio, plus be handy with a muddler for grinding Kaffir lime leaves into organic citrus syrup.

Now, I don’t know which bars Chronicle Staff Writer Sam Whiting is going to, but the burly mixologist serving me my whiskey ginger ale at the Latin American Club the other night didn’t muddle shit for me.  He’s pretty chill, though.

Side note: would love to see some cocktail ingredient muddling on Handjobbin’.  Just a suggestion.

Looks Like Google Street View is in Town!!!

Never noticed this sign in the abandoned gas station on 23rd/Valencia until today.  Is it new?


The Long Way Home

The problem with working from home is that it is not often that I get to immerse myself beyond Capp/24th/Valencia/Dolores.  Sarah Palin’s “real Mission.”  I’ve started meandering around the side streets of the Mission these days (besides, the smell of Ritual makes me nauseous) and it turns out that there is some interesting shit street art graffiti going on out there.

Nice Tag, Brah. (P.S. No)

Theresa spotted this on the Pop’s window and sent it our way.  So now we have sticker taggers sniping at each other?  What is this?  The SF Weekly?

Ready, Set, Bag! Premiere Thursday at the Roxie

This morning, MM had the distinct pleasure of receiving a note from Oren Jacob, Pixar CTO and Executive Producer of a documentary called “Ready, Set, Bag!“  Oren was hoping to get the word out about Thursday night’s SF premiere of  “Ready, Set, Bag!” at the Roxie, and offered to hook our crappy blog up with an advanced viewing.   Mere hours later, a DVD screener was hand-delivered to my front door.

Hand-delivered!  Who am I, Gene Siskel (may he rest in peace!)?

I just finished watching the film and let me tell you, it is a DELIGHT.  “Ready, Set, Bag!” is a documentary that follows eight state grocery bagging champions from across the United States as they prepare to compete in the National Grocers Association’s Best Bagger competition in Las Vegas.  Contestants are judged by speed, weight distribution, packing prowess, etc.

“It’s similar to the American Idol,” says Frank DiPasquale, SVP of the National Grocers Association, in the film.  “You just never know where the stars are.”

Now readers, I would be lying to you if I didn’t wipe the single tear running down my cheek and say that this is a film about America.  Not shitty America, where people are fat jerks,  but awesome America, where people are huge sweethearts who work at grocery stores to overcome shyness, or to pursue the American Dream, and happen to get really good at a thing.  And in case earnestness makes you nervous (it does me!), rest assured that “Ready, Set, Bag!” doesn’t condescend to our protagonists, but puts their sizeable talents and quirks on display.  Basically, a bunch of sweethearts got together to make a movie about a bunch of sweethearts.

OOPS! Accidentally turned this blog into my livejournal!

This movie melted my cold, dead heart.  Here are your details for Thursday night:

Ready, Set, Bag!
Roxie Theater
Thursday, November 19th
7:00 p.m.
Tickets available online

The screening will benefit the San Francisco Food Bank, Mechanics Banks will donate $1 for every ticket sold, and if you bring two or more items of non-perishable food to donate, you get $1 off your ticket and 50 cents off popcorn.  Director Q&A with the audience to follow, and don’t forgot dem Twitta @readysetbag.  Phewf!

SPOILER ALERT: My favorite bagger wins the competition!