Nesquik bunny dances to patriotic Jesus

Our pal Andy was shooting on Mission down towards the SOMA and caught this priceless “only in San Francisco” moment.  Take the Nesquik bunny’s advice: when confronted by an intense gentleman wearing a red, white, and blue “HE ONLY LOVE YOU JESUS” shirt shouting profusely about how only the aforementioned son of man can save us from terrorists, make like Lady Gaga and just dance.



Women Dancing on the Women’s Building

Cat Party at Bender’s

Mermaids: get out of our landmarks

The always-astute Mr. Eric Sir is not too happy that a scale replica of SF’s Palace of Fine Arts has been erected as Ariel’s digs, instead of it’s usual function as a wedding photo backdrop, meeting place for alcatraz escapees, and place to fall in love with alleged axe murderers:

Disney’s decision to commercialize a scale model of the Palace of Fine Arts must not be tolerated. This move is clearly a middle-finger to San Francisco, a city which is serious about protesting the commercialization of public property. But we do enjoy irony, which is why the Walt Disney Family Museum is located on public land.

Uh, can I get a “hell yeah”? Read on.

Speaking of “erected”, ever notice how many boners are on the Little Mermaid cover art?

Uniting against dick employers and landlords

A few weeks back, we wrote about a boycott of a pair of local restaurants that were treating workers unfairly. After a week or so, a member of San Francisco Solidarity Network left a comment saying the boycott had been a success, and that their friend’s wages had been paid as a result.

Yesterday, the network sent us this handsome flyer. Take note, all.

Recycling rage

It seems as though not everyone’s on board with the this whole recycling thing.  I’d hate to see what they think of our city’s mandatory composting program.

[Photo by Matt Hill]

Re-imagining Gaza at ATA this Friday

Our pal and local filmaker Roger spent some time with Palestinian kids in Gaza recently and helped them create a series of short films that he’s going to be showing at Artist Televison Access on Valencia by 21st at 8pm this Friday.  Of course there will be snacks and wine at the event, and you can see all the details here.

Stop by and check it out!


Berlin style ping pong at ATA

Free donuts and beer at Dynamo this afternoon!

That’s right kids, free donuts and beer at Dynamo from 4-6pm, courtesy of Project Open Hand.  Not only will eating donuts and swilling beer benefit a good cause, you’ll also have the chance to name their newest donut creation (I’m going with Peanutty Honeybear FTW).  There is no downside here, except for a case of the sugar highs.

By the way, is there a correct way to spell donut?  I’ve also seen it spelled doughnut, and I’m not sure which is correct, because neither looks particularly right – someone want to help me out here?

[Thanks Brittany!]

Donate responsibly to Japan

Obviously you’ve heard about the horrible news coming in from Japan by now, and may have even gone out to Ocean Beach to check out the 4 foot waves that are rolling in as we speak (how do you determine which waves are tsunami waves versus normal ones when they’re average height, anyone know?)  If you want to donate to help the people affected by this tragedy, please do yourself a favor and go through a reputable charity and not a random URL you found on Facebook or Twitter.

Here is a link (and another one here) you can check out if you need to get your Good Samaritan vibes flowing. (And be sure to slap this post all over Facebook and Twitter, for people to find randomly.) Remember kids, stay away from the water’s edge, keep an emergency safety kit handy just in case, and stop texting me “ARE YOU OK, TSUNAMI IN SF??”  if you’re on the East Coast – I’m fine, thanks.

[Image via YouTube]

The Rent is Too Damn High Event is Nigh

While this event may not be directly related to the Kung-Fu Master/Colonial Sanders lookalike/Afro-puff bearded NY mayorial candidate, I think we can all agree that the rent in San Francisco is, in fact, “too damn high”. Why should we have to settle for living in Concord or worse yet: moving in with lame-o chore wheeling rent controlled roomies?

The Housing Rights Committee of San Francisco helps you enjoy some of the most tenant-favorable laws in the country, and they are having a benefit at the Makeout Room next Thursday from 6-8:30. The event will feature free 4 Barrel coffee, live music, silent auction, happy hour drinks, and special guests (including Supervisor David Campos).

Details in the flyer below:

Volunteer at Shanti!

The new year is upon us and by now many of you have already flaked on your resolutions.  Things like, “No eating pints of Humphrey Slocumb Blue Bottle Vietnamese Coffee ice cream in bed and then immediately falling asleep” and “Run up to the top of Twin Peaks from 23rd and Valencia every other day” sound easy enough when you’re guzzling champagne while the ball’s dropping, but odds are these ambitious plans have already fallen by the wayside, and we haven’t even made it through the first week!

Moreover, those are some pretty selfish resolutions.  Why not get into the spirit of GIVING BACK to the community (and humanity) instead by volunteering at Shanti, one of the coolest non-profits in the city?  These rad folks provide emotional and practical support to San Francisco’s most vulnerable individuals living with life-threatening illness; namely, people suffering from HIV/AIDS and breast cancer.  A Peer Support Volunteer gets paired up with a client (someone with HIV/AIDS or breast cancer who has come to Shanti for help) and just basically hangs out with them and does things like doing chores, running errands, or providing companionship, thus helping the client continue to live independently.

It’s definitely not easy (they ask for a commitment of 2 to 6 hours a week for at least 6 months), but rest assured it’s some of the most poignant and emotionally rewarding experiences anyone can go through.  If you really want to make a difference this year with your resolution, Shanti is the place to go.  Plus, they’re having a training session at the end of this month, starting on Friday, January 28th!  Check out all the details here!

Tonight: Binge Drink With Naughty Nurses

See you at Pop’s!


Women and Binge Drinking