Update: Jaywalking on Capp Costs You $174

Remember jaywalkin’ on Capp?  Apparently that shit will set you back $174.  Think of all the money that has been taken out of the local drug dealer’s and pimp’s pockets.  Think about it.

Sunday Night Stick Up on 20th/Folsom

Whoa!  Linda writes in about being held up Sunday night:

Me and a coupla pals were on our way home from my bachelor party on Sunday night at about 1 or 1:30am. I of course was lit up like a Christmas tree so the details are a little fuzzy. Long story short – we got robbed at gunpoint at 20th just before Folsom.

My two pals entrusted with my care were pretty sober. At first I thought they were just messing with us so, but then one of the fellas made a tug at my purse and it finally dawned on me what he wanted. Since he hadn’t shown me a gun yet (and I was drunk) I just said, “Man, don’t do that. I’m getting married in a week. Don’t do that.” Mind you this was all slurred and I was standing there covered in BBQ sauce and feathers. I was also holding too much stuff and my bag was slung across my body and not very easy to get at. I was obviously wasting their time.

So they made a grab for my friend’s purse, pulled out a loaded gun, pointed it at me, waved it at the others and then made a run for their car.

It was two dudes, fairly young maybe 19 or 20. One of them was a light skinned Latino. Didn’t get a look at the other. Black late model four door sedan with no plates. Didn’t really look like thugs to me. It was strange.

Thanks for sending in your account, Linda.  Hope you are well and congrats on the wedding!

John Waters Does San Francisco

My roommate Rachel is an amazingly stealth iPhone photo-taker.

Here, for example, is an expert shot she snapped of  filmmaker John Waters at a random party on 25th and Fair Oaks Saturday night:

john waters

Anyone else spot him?  Please leave your best John Waters run-in stories in the comments section, especially if you think they’ll weird me out.  Ooh!

Oh Lord, Won't You Buy Me…

… a hippie Benz!

Spotted in the Mission.  Well played, Benz.

(Update: Original shot from What I’m Seeing Dot Com)

Rite Spot Bathroom Art

Rite Spot Cafe is one of those dives that I really like but somehow never manage to go to.  By some force beyond my comprehension, I ended up there on Friday after a few rounds at Bender’s and had to visit the bathroom.  Turns out that Rite Spot is not just home to cheap drinks and food but some great bathroom tags.

photo 4

photo 5

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Pigeons Ate a Horse Down to the Bone on 24th


You know, in all the movies I have ever seen, it has always been piranhas, killer ants, or Hannibal Lecter that will eat an animal down to the bone.  I’ll never be able to look at pigeons the same ever again.

From our tipster, Jon:

snapped these on my way to work this morning on 24th St. around Harrison, I believe. The guy next to me said, “I think it’s a horse.”

Thanks Jon!


Turreted Cadillac Receiving Some Body Work

I was taking a stroll down 24th the other morning to practice dodging bullets and maybe get some breakfast when I spotted this:


Our beloved turret caddy got all fucked up!  Yeah, the new addition of shag carpeting brings out the inherent awesomeness of hacksawing out the trunk and roof, but now the turret is resting where Snoop Dogg and Dr. Dre’s bodyguards should be sitting.  I hope it gets fixed soon.

Previously on Mission Mission:

Irony Watch: It is Worthless to Tag

Sharpie politics found on a Muni stop on Folsom:


The Chronicle's Account of the Mr. Pickle's Saga

I’m not going to lie, I was just a little crushed to find out that the owner of Mr. Pickle’s last name was not “Pickles”:

Across from Los Jarritos is Mr. Pickles Sandwich Shop, a popular deli that has also continued to thrive during hard economic times. The business garnered some notoriety this year when its ubiquitous sandwich board – a sandwich-toting, sombrero wearing pickle – was stolen. It was eventually returned, said owner Diyana Jwenit, but only after a neighborhood-wide manhunt.

“Everyone was looking for Mr. Pickles,” she said – the police, customers, even the Mission Local blog. One day, a number of police officers rushed into the shop after hearing that Jwenit had been tipped off with an address (it was a false lead).

Eventually, the thief was shamed into calling Jwenit and returned the cutout. She credits the neighborhood.

“It’s the Mission,” she said. “It’s full of great people – everyone helped out.”

(Oh yeah, the article was about the economic times or something in the Mission.  Maybe you want to read it??)

Previously on Mission Mission:

Cools Tats


Plug1 of WHAT IM SEEING dot com brings us some cool shots of a local’s tattoos.
