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Behind the scenes.


Taqueria Reina's Gavin Portrait

Katherine says: “is this on missionmission yet?  should be.”

(Link: The Tens SF)

Merry Xmas Hookers!

Passing out gifts, blazing up spliffs (Via Snoop Dogg)

Tuba Restaurant: lol wut?

I saw this on Eater this morning and had myself a laugh.  Then I realized this wasn’t a joke and felt bad, kinda like I just laughed at the Mission’s latest special-needs restaurant.  But seriously, what’s up with this place?  Yeah, I appreciate the holiday spirit, but Tuba?  Also, given the plethora of delicious Valencia eateries, no one is going to stop off for food in the place tucked away to the west with a logo made by someone’s nephew who “has photoshop.”

Rosamunde Sausage Shop Nearly Erected

The next chapter of the Rosamunde saga!  Emma sent us this mouthwatering shot of the newly built facade on 24th and Mission.  Peace out, Cafe Arguello!

The chapter after this one will involve them finishing the sign.  Then the chapter after that will outline the restaurant opening.  The shocking conclusion will be you trying a sausage and deciding whether you like it or not.

Though an ambitious effort, this book is crazy boring.

Mission Mission Day at The Bay Bridged

Hear ye, hear ye!  We are very proud to announce that this day of December 23rd, 2009 is Mission Mission Day at The Bay Bridged!

Us guys were pleased as punch to be invited by the Bay Area’s premiere independent music blog to do guest posts re: our favorite local artist and/or album of 2009.

You can view Allan, Kat, and Vic‘s 2009 Bay Area music picks on the BB all day today.  They’ll probably be there tomorrow too, but why wait?  You’re not getting any younger.

Bonus: all photos courtesy of Sexpigeon.  Luv u, life’s foibles.

Xmas Miracle!

Praise be praised! Amandine Circumflex got her stolen bike back:

My super awesome husband went out to get some stuff from the drug store for a flu-ish wifey when he ran across a neighborhood kid on my bike.  CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?! He reclaimed the bike and now it’s safe and sound.

“Reclaimed” the bike? What the fudge does that mean exactly? If anyone’s missing a neighborhood kid, might want to check the dumpster behind these badasses’ corner drug store. Link.

Cool Kid Travels: Cheung Chau Street Art Orgasm

Click to enlarge

I wanted to hang out on the beach all day but ended up taking pictures of street art and other random shit while eating ice cream.

Condoms with wings: the rage.

'Stereotyping People by Their Favorite Indie Bands'

Dave Matthews Band fans.

Passion Pit fans: "Bros vaguely interested in listening to music and very interested in having sex with their girlfriend."

My buddy Ben sent me this list.  Pretty interesting.  Until today, I didn’t know I was a “[boy] who thinks Ocarina of Time is the greatest game ever made” because I like Ratatat.  Sorry but Britney Spears’ Dance Beat wins that award.  Truthfully, I hadn’t heard of half of these bands before.  ”Where’s your SF indie rock spirit?”  Dunno.  I still listen to “Shaggy.”

P.S. – I want to start a band and call it “Radioactive Chewbacca.”   Or “Digitial Chewy.”   I have no musical talent but have an Apple Computer, some DJ plugin for iTunes and Garageband.  Figure we can grow full beards, wear flannel, move to Humboldt County and ‘trim danke’ until we make it big.  The next Girl Talk.  Who’s in?

The Tamale Lady Does Signed Headshots

I saw this inside Escape from NY right next to less-interesting memorabilia from the likes of Led Zeppelin and Peggy Bundy.

So aside from “She sells tamales to drunks” and “everyone is hella chill with that” we also know that the Tamale Lady appreciates her fans and has poor penmanship. But I want to know more. Does she have kids? Does she pay taxes? Was “tamale lady” ever “tamale girl”?

I guess if you have 20 minutes to spare you can get the full scoop about Virginia (that’s her name, dude) from that documentary on youtube. Yeah, it’s a couple of years old and we sorta covered it before, but it could use some more views. Especially if crap like the Grape Lady falling down and apparently ripping out her trachea is almost up to 5 million.

Hey film school readers, can you please do a doc on Omer the guitar guy next? Thanks.
