Free Mohawks Tomorrow!

All of Them Witches brings us the good word:

[B]e at Union Square (edit: SAN FRANCISCO) on Wednesday Otober 27th between Noon and 2pm for complimentary drive-by mohawks and braidhawks courtesy of Hot On Yelp participant, Oxenrose Salon.


Male Awareness Day brings us this great ‘hawk shot:


Eat This Chrome-Winged Cheeseburger, Sucka

I mean, if that is what thou wilt.

Seriously though, I’ve never seen a burger look so heroic. And the asymmetry of having standing it on end like that, you’d think it wouldn’t work, but it works. Yum.

Somebody Pleeease Put Some Clips on YouTube!

Fabulous news! Television historian David Enos has uncovered official (?) synopses from episodes of 100 Van Ness, the SF-based ’70s sitcom we mentioned a couple weeks back. Here’s the first:

“Win Some, Lou’s Son” Lou’s estranged son re-appears.  Candace discovers a new recipe for her specialty, Christmas cake, and the kitchen gets out-of-hand.   Reed finds out that his new job as a Shakespearean actor is no walk in the park.

Read on!

Trial of 'Accused Hate-Monger' KKKatie Underway

Man Freckles, a blog about graffiti and partying, quotes the Examiner:

The trial’s defendant is accused hate-monger Katherine Dunbar, of San Francisco, who pleaded not guilty in May to spray-painting swastikas and the phrase “KKKatie” across The City between January and May.


Opening statements in the trial happened Wednesday. Closing statements could come late next week or possibly the week after, prosecutors said.

Meanwhile, (as of a few minutes ago) KKKatie’s art is still going strong in the Mission…

…as well as elsewhere.


Free KKKatie Rally in Dolores Park

The Next KKKatie?

Go Giants at Mission Bicycle

Mission Bicycle is getting into the spirit:

Everything in our window is Giants orange. Including a special bike that Esther built on Sunday to celebrate our victory. Hours later it caught the eye of who was in town to for a photo shoot. So whoever buys this bike get’s a set of beautiful professional photos. This baby should be $870 but if the G…iants win on Wednesday, we’ll let her go for $799. 59cm frame. First come first serve.

Check out their Facebook page for more!

Retro Reels of Sutro Baths


Wow, look at these old motion picture reels of the Sutro Bath ruins we discovered in the vault!  They must be super ancient, like from the 20s or something!  (Click the photos to view the shorts)

Wait, it says here that the facility didn’t even become ruins until it burned down in a fire in 1966!  Perhaps these are from the 60s then?  I don’t know, they seem kind of too old to be from the 60s.

Wait a minute, is that the Cliff House?  Stupid vault!  Anyway, should you find yourself with nothing to do on a nice sunny day, might I recommend that you bike out to Sutro Cave for some Goonies-style speulunking action?  Just be careful not to fall off the cliff!


Get Thee to Heron’s Head Park

Dawning On Valencia

Early Morning Walk

Just taking an early morning walk.

Slightly Disturbing Cat Drawing

This is in the bathroom at SoCha Cafe. What do you think it means?

Mystery 10-Kid Sidewalk Xylophone Band

From the Mission Mission Facebook Wall comes a plea for help, from reader Sarah Snyder:

Sounds good to me! Who were they already?


They’re Greenbelt, from Canada:

Thanks, Kevin!

I Surfed on Top of a Bus

From our pals at Making A Beautiful Life:

Pics or it didn’t happen!