My morning sardine run

Just another day on Muni.

Chinese Children!!

Get ‘em while they’re hot!  Just make sure you get a male, I hear the girl ones aren’t as good.

(Scrawled under the seat in front of me on the 22 this evening)

Love Grows on the 22 Fillmore

You guys!  I love love,  Muni, and Missed Connections, which is why I so thoroughly enjoyed this post on Muni Diaries, as well as it’s accompanying photo:

Romance on public transit!  From Flickr user jenmaiser.

Alexander Crane’s missed connection occurred a few months ago; I’m curious to hear whether the babe with the feather earrings ever got in touch.   Alexander or feather babe: write in!

And lastly: Muni Diaries asks for Muni missed  connections and thus, I will follow suit and request that you send Mission Mission your Mission missed connections.  Send love notes to: missionmissionmission at gmail dot com.

Seriously, I’ll get you a girlfriend with bangs and pretty eyes in no time.