Historical Cushman with catechismic surprise

We’ve noticed more and more of these decommissioned parking enforcement vehicles around the neighborhood over the past year or so being driven by regular people like you and me.  In fact, most of the time they happen to be doing the opposite of parking enforcement, as this fellow here so clearly demonstrates.  However, not all Cushmans are created equal, as this well-kept example used to be in the service of the Bureau of Street Cleaning & Urban Forestry.

That’s right–the Department of Public Works used to have a Bureau of Urban Forestry.  I wonder what sort of forestry qualifies as “urban”?  But that’s not all!  Inside the cockpit (btw, someone definitely needs to open a bar in the Castro called the Cockpit), you’ll also find evidence of a celestial co-pilot.

Of course, I suppose that just means the devil is his navigator.


San Francisco is Cushman Crazy

Mystery Cushman Spotted?

Mystery Drunken Golf Cart?

San Francisco is Cushman Crazy

Not one week after I noticed a gaggle of these three-wheelers in front of Chicken John’s, The Wall Street Journal took an interest in the city’s Cushman culture. Yes, it looks like this is indeed “a thing”.

Check out the article and video on WSJ, where the owners rave about getting mad children love, parking wherever they want, and scaring the shit out of drivers whose meters are about to expire. Apparently, these babies are also major graffiti magnets. But at least some thoughtful taggers tend to ask first:

They say, ‘Hey, do you mind if I write my graffiti on your car?’

Uh, yes.

[WSJ via Schlomo, another proud Cushman owner who uses it to deliver Banh Mi]

Mystery Cushman Spotted?

Could this be the same mystery golf cart that was spotted last month while the mysterious driver was epicly failing a DUI test?  While the speakers did not seem sufficient to blast Public Enemy for all to hear, at least this one comes with a Vespa sidecar.

Could Cushmans become the hipster version of Smart Cars?  They are super easy to park but can’t even go on a highway, just like enjoying the streamlined design of no brake or gear cables while being unable to effectively bomb Potrero Hill (minus the fish-tailing, of course).

Could a future question on the analogy section of the hipster GRE possibly be:


  • smart car : cushman

Ha, Hipster GRE!


Mystery Drunken Golf Cart

Mission Mystery Machine Meter Maid

Inside Schlomo’s Cushman