Brian Wilson writing Giants-themed graffiti on area wall

Suck it, property owners! Cool tag, Brian!

(Kinda weird how he’s hovering six inches off the sidewalk though, right?)

[via Storts]

UPDATE: From the looks of his Facebook page, the artist seems to be from Philly. Here’s an exchange with a fan on his wall:

Anthony Mangano: I hate Brian Wilson

Get up: HAHA I expect lots of that! They love him out here tho, doin it for the people haha

Pica Pica wall keeps changing


But these guys are not half-assing it. Solid art.

Kevin sees the new piece as homophobic, depicting Dan Plasma as a feminine tiger (sitting on flowers, long eyelashes). We know there’s controversy here. We know how Mike Giant feels about it. In a way it’s pretty amazing to be able to watch a dialogue play out through amazing artwork on a wall. We just wish it came with less beef.

Uh oh, this does not look good

Godzilla's Coming

I have bad news. I recently picked up some intel through my usual sources and it looks like there’s a chance that Godzilla is coming to town. But don’t run through the streets in a hot panic just yet, I’ve got a call in to some inside experts at Quantico to find out if he’s angry and wants to destroy everything, or is just in the mood to sample some of our famously overpriced coffee. I will let you know more as news comes in. Unless it’s top secret, in that case I’ll just tell you that everything is fine and not to worry.

UPDATE: Sorry folks, false alarm. No need to worry, everything’s cool. Go back to business as usual.

Lou Reeds

The ever inventive Doctor Popular recently walked down Osage Street and discovered 32 Lou Reed stencils on the ground. Over on Objective Scenes, the group mobile phone photography blog*, of which he is a member, he posted up the below gif which moves through all of the stencils as seen by his mobile phone camera. Pretty cool result.

*That is definitely an explanation that would not have made sense to me five years ago.

And just like that Dan Plasma takes the wall back


It was a Dan Plasma Tiger piece for a while, then it got turned into a group piece, now, not two months later, Plasma takes it back. How long will this one last?

Banksy’s buddy


He’s got Vibes. New thing next to the old new thing.

We previously had Banksy Fever and maybe he did some jeans shopping.

This Is Absurd

This Is Absurd


Tate Modern Premoved

Occurring on Valencia Street, near 18th.

Tribute To Twiggy


As the story goes, it all started as a joke. It was in Florida, 32 years ago, that Chuck and Lou Ann Best adopted a little gray squirrel who had been orphaned by a hurricane. Then they taught it how to waterski. You can read the longer version on Twiggy’s official homepage.

Street Artists Breaking It Down

On 16th Street there’s no time for subtlety when it comes to BP (formerly British Petroleum).

No Time For Subtlety

Up in North Beach we find this helpful guide.

Alien Human

Back to Valencia, and I’m not actually sure what this one’s about.

Joe Comes In