Comm Ave.: If people were allowed to leave this much trash on Valencia St., I'm pretty sure the Creme Brulee Man would storm City Hall with a bomb strapped to his chest.
I recently went for a stroll through Boston’s hipster favela, Allston/Brighton, and I could not stop thinking about how goddamn clean the Mission is. I know people portray the Mission to be one huge dumpster, but have you ever walked around another city? We at least have weekly street sweeping and the DPW, at a minimum, feigns caring about gum on the sidewalk. Yeah, Dolores Park can get kind of shitty sometimes, but if you want to have a park where people can get blitzed off practically every substance known to man with very little hassle, don’t expect the guy slurring his words to remember to throw away his box of Mike and Ikes. Now, I’m going for a walk down Capp st. while tossing styrophone containers in the gutter and pissing on people’s garages.

You could probably unearth fossils between the sand and the cement.

I don't think you'll have a problem.
In other news, Allston/Brighton has some great stencil art. I took a bunch of pictures, but of course they all look like crap. This flickr set is way better.