Eight-Million-Ton Russian Octopus

I love maps! (This one is on the wall at Viracocha.)


Russian-Tinged Klezmer Brunch


Impish Toilet Octopus

Pro Drunk

I was walking my very drunk friend home last night when we came upon this champion, wearing a big floppy yellow tarp, coughing and moaning his way up 24th Street, loudly, pausing only to walk into the occasional wall or tree.

I said to my very drunk friend, “You, sir, are an amateur.”

Stay Away From My Presents


Don’t worry dude!  No way am I going to mess with a guy wearing fingerless Misfits gloves in the morning.  That sure is a lot of presents though.  Can’t you spare just one?

Fine.  Whatever, Grinch.

What about the rest of you?  Do you still give give gifts to your peeps during the holidays?

Waste of Space

I think this should be a parklet. Fancy yuppies with their fancy SUVs can go park in the Marina.

Garage Face

Garage Face is unimpressed.

[Photo by SF Gov]


Nonplussed Lunchbox

Jumbo Tex™ Do-It-Yourself Stair Slide

Looks like it might be kind of a bumpy ride, but I’m sure as long as you slick it up with some baby oil or something it’s perfectly safe.

Jumbo Tex.

[Photo and slide idea by Nattles]

The Average Lifespan of a Free Pauline's Pizza in the Wild


Although well tempered to their natural environs, Pauline’s gourmet pizza pies were annihilated within seconds of leaving the womb during their 25th anniversary free pizza party this week. A freezing frenzy of pizza predators descended upon them, and as the video shows it wasn’t a pretty sight. The staff cranked out upwards of 300 pies over 3 hours – four times the average order for a Tuesday evening. Bravo, Pauline’s!

Hot Dude on the Bus Today

Is this you? If so, you have a secret admirer.

Badass Bullhead Mural Unfortunately Located Right on Top of Rad Laser Kitty Mural

It’s like if Picasso painted Guernica over Starry Night!

[Photo by Ben Roodman] [via SFist]


The Origin of the Laser Kitty Mural

Noisebridge In Trouble

Mission DIY Hackerspace Noisebridge is at risk of shutting down early next year unless they get some financial help. If you haven’t checked it out, I strongly urge you to do so. They are at 18th and Mission and it’s a great place to work on any kind of DIY project you can think of be it hardware, software, or even cooking. If you dig the space, you should become a full-fledged member and use the facilities.

They have a cool 5-minute talk series every 3rd Thursday. It’s totally fun. It’s like TED‘s cocaine addicted, disorganized, less-influential little brother.

Noisebridge was also behind the hilarious Juggalo science fair at the Warfield this year. So if you don’t help them, this may be the future of San Francisco:

Hit up this link to donate or inquire about membership.

[via Uptown Almanac]