Valencia street lights appear to be back in sync

It’s been a few weeks since we noticed that the previously synchronized street lights seemed to be all out of whack, and judging by the comments in that post, it wasn’t just our imagination.  Further investigation revealed that a maintenance issue was the culprit and that the situation would take about two weeks or so to resolve.

Fast forward a few weeks, and the green wave appears to be back!  I’ve been able to coast all the way down Valencia for the past week or so without encountering any red lights as long as I keep a steady, relaxed pace.  Similarly, I can make it all the way from Folsom past Valencia up 24th without stopping, catching all of the green lights on the way.

What about the rest of you? Are your morning commutes back in sync?

[Photo via Streetsblog]


CONTEST: Win tickets to a ping pong party and a punk show at El Rio this Saturday!

Two big-ticket parties at El Rio on one big-ticket date!

First there’s the triumphant return of American Tripps to the Mission, which we mentioned yesterday. And then stick around as the sun starts to set for a thrilling night of distortion-drenched punk rock courtesy of AlaricCrimson Scarlet, and my band La Corde!  This is going to be our only show of the summer, so don’t say I didn’t warn you when you’re suffering from withdrawal sometime in September.  Also, it’s going to be Alaric’s last show for a looooooong time, as they are taking a break to write and record a new record.  Oh, and DJ Brown Amy from Hard French will be spinning records in between sets! Check out the details and tell your friends about it here.

Oh, and I almost forgot about the best part: We’re offering 2 FREE tickets to BOTH events for whoever can come up with the best story in the comments about the craziest punk rock show they ever attended, whether it happened at 924 Gilman, ABC No Rio, or even your mom’s basement. The contest ends at noon on Friday, and winners will be judged on merit.

See you there!

How to properly transport your cat on a bicycle

My mom texted me this photo that she took from her flip-phone camera while on her way to school (that’s JPL in the hazy background), demonstrating that the only thing needed to take your cat on a bike ride with you is a bit of training (and probably a thick scarf to give him something to plunge his claws into other than your neck).

Not bad considering the modest technology at her disposal!  Don’t worry, I got her an iPhone the next day to ensure that her next find is a high-resolution masterpiece.


Now it’s 9 o’clock


So rad.


It’s 8 o’clock


Summer is rad.


Perhaps you’ve heard of DESCENDENTS, who are only one of the most influential punk rock bands ever.  Apparently, they’re also one of the most under-documented bands around, and two filmakers aimed to change that 2 years ago with a feature-length documentary!  40 interviews later, they’re almost ready to release FILMAGE: The Story of DESCENDENTS/ALL.

Check out the trailer above to get a taste for what’s in store, and stay posted on any updates to this rad project here.

Riding your bike on the sidewalk at night without lights while talking on your cellphone


Pedestrians, please be wary of this menace. He’s basically doing EVERYTHING wrong. Who knows, he may even be on meth.

Ultimate Whippits party aftermath


Someone lost a lot of brain cells last night, and they didn’t even have the decency to properly recycle the canisters this time! I swear, KIDS THESE DAYS.

Or perhaps they just baked a huge delicious cake and the resulting food coma induced so much lethargy that they couldn’t make it all the way to the appropriate bin? Yeah, that’s the ticket.


New Mission Chinese movie encourages diners to be polite to their cooks

Or do they prefer “chef”?  Either way, it’s probably best not to call them a retard, even if you’re a tough gangster dude, because you never know when they may secrete blades from their tattoos and slice up your whole party.  Do yourself a favor and watch this rad video from the folks over at Sunday Paper.

(Thanks Laurie! Via Mission Local)


Swimming pool finally returns to 19th and Linda

While great strides have been made on the new soccer field and children’s water park, the long-awaited re-opening of the public Mission Pool (and Playground) is still a ways away, but that didn’t stop this merry band of revelers from having their own pool party at that very same intersection. According to MM reader Shawn who happened upon this scene on his way to the park,

These guys were just about to dine on carefully prepared pool-steaks. Their invitation was appealing: “I want you in here right now!”

Indeed, this weekend witnessed one of those magical 80+ degree days that also happened to occur on a Saturday, which only happens about 3 times a year, so you’ve gotta take advantage of each one to the fullest, otherwise you’re totally blowing it. I hope for your sake that each and every one of you was able to get into some kind of mischief or amazing adventure that reminded you that we live in the best place ever.

[Photo by Mike Forbus]

Andrew Sarkarati

Posts: 1023

Email: andrew (at)


Biographical Info:

Andrew likes pizza, videogames, and bicycles. He also plays drums in La Corde. His greatest contribution to mankind is Taco Thursday.