Mission Mission Fundraiser Alleycat


Peep this!: no one who writes Mission Mission* owns a real camera.  Clearly we love lo-fi photography, but occasionally it would be nice to have a dSLR to take pictures with.  Since we already have our two strikes, we cannot risk getting caught breaking down the door to Ritz with baseball bats, so looks like we’re going to try and buy one all legit.  This, and other future upgrades (hint!), cannot always be done for free.  Time to raise money and have fun at the same time.

Sunday October 4th.  All the awesome details are here.

We have a facebook event too.  Yes, facebook events are lame as shit, but it would be nice to know how much food to bring.  Oh, the horror.

* except Ariel.  Damn edge cases



(Photo by Mission Loc@l’s Armand)

The Chili Bowl Was More Awesome Than I Ever Could Have Imagined

Jon Bauer photographing the Chili BowlPhoto by Jon Bauer

The Chili Bowl was an incredible way to squander away a Saturday afternoon: water balloons full of beer, a blood geyser coming out of a guy’s head, filthy jokes from the announcers, a punk band playing awesome songs like “you are dead, motherfucker” and “crack on Mission St.” within a few dozen yards of a playground full of children, and, of course, skateboarding.  This is definitely my kind of place.

If anyone doubted Allan’s recommendation of the park, you need to check Potrero del Sol out.  It is like Dolores Park, only it’s not full of trash, dead grass, cops, it doesn’t smell like urine, and there is actually interesting shit going on.  It even has its own miniature hipster hill, affectionately known as “lurker hill” by the announcers, where one can flaunt their keen sense of retro bicycle-parts aesthetic and complete apathy towards skateboarding while unfettering, drinking  and carousing.

lurker hill at Potrero del Sol

Anyways, I shot some SICK phone-video of the competition.  Sadly, my camera does not have a fisheye lens and I still know nothing about making skateboarding videos.  Bon appetit.

(link – YouTube)

I Cannot Wait For the Chili Bowl

I hope to watch more people get decked like the guy at 2:40.

Also, see how many “whoas” from the sidelines you can count.

(YouTube – Thanks freakbeatfuzz!)

Toad and Salmons' Chili Bowl Cook Off

Chilibowl_09Saturday August 29th: Skateboards, Chili, and people hating hipster girlfolk.  Oh yes.

It is a skateboard bowl contest and chili cook-off at potrero del sol park.  25th and potrero.

skateboard and chili registration opens at 9 am.  skate contest starts at noon.  chili judges start tasting chili at 2pm.  finals of the skate contest at 330pm and awards at 430 pm.

Be there, be there, be there.

Thanks Antonius!