Vietnam is the Bomb

When we saw the other day that Mai from Fashionist was reporting from Vietnam, we were pumped.

When we opened up Bikes and the City today and saw that Mai was doing GUEST POSTS FROM VIETNAM FOR THEM, we straight fell out of bed. Sooo exciting! What a crossover! And the PICTURES!!!

Well done, gals!


Biking in Europe

Shirtless Intensity

This shirtless wonder can sing and dance, talk to dogs at length and whistle hella loud. Carlos Reyes has pictures and a full report.

Ill Radio, Ill Bargains

Without KDVS there would probably be no Mission Mission. KDVS taught me about punk and community and ska and reggae and doing it yourself. Their quarterly program guide KDViationS taught me publications don’t have to be glossy or even all that readable to be good. And the t-shirts they produce for their annual fundraiser have definitely informed my fashion sense.

Today is the final day of the station’s 2010 fundraiser week. This year’s shirts are ill as ever. And they aren’t even the most killer premium. For a mere $100 pledge, you can rent the KDVS Mobile DJ Unit. It is a professional-quality setup, accompanied by the KDVS DJ of your choice. They will come play your party, whenever you want. They’ll drive to SF, they’ll go all night. For $100. Got a wedding or house party coming up? Bargain!

Also for $100, bands can book four hours of recording time in the station’s RAD recording studio. All analog all the time. Vintage equipment in pristine condition, maintained by a loving staff. Hellooo!? $100. Unique bargain!

Listen live here. Visit the fundraiser page here.

Mobile DJ Unit and recording studio details here.


Rhythms from the Deep

Sheep In Dolores Park – As In Animals

The People In Dolores Park Are Sheep
Well, this was here too.

San Francisco Has Banksy Fever!

Banksy On Sycamore
I know everyone else has already done all kinds of stuff about Banksy’s apparent PR trip to SF. (Kevmo is the go to guy for all my Bansky needs!) We couldn’t really sit around the Mission Mission offices sipping maté in our sweatpants all day and not join in the action a little.

So, let me ask you this, are these pieces still Banksy pieces if he didn’t put them up himself? If he designed them and maybe even chose the location and then e-mailed a PDF to his assistants who then cut the stencil and put them up, does that still make it a Banksy original? If it’s a unique design, which he doesn’t use anywhere else? This conversation took up most of my night last night and my voice is a little hoarse from all the loud talking, so I wanted to know what all of you thought.

UPDATE: Banksy loves pants!

Precocious Parallel Parker

Happy Friday, everybody! May we all attack our weekends like this tiny wonder is attacking this tight little parking spot.

[via Fixed Gear Blog] [Thanks, Becca!]


Side Saddle Daredevil Defies Death (Video)

Mondrian Saddle

For sale now at Pushbike. Even better than the Mondrian Cake, am I right?

Let's Go Get a Gatorade

Ramona might be onto something:

You go to the coffee shop with a friend, because that’s what friends love to do.  “Let’s go get a coffee?”  It’s either like get coffee or get a drink, which means alcohol.  There’s no middle ground.  You never hear people saying “Hey Chloe, wanna go get some Sprites?”  “Wanna meet for a Gatorade after work? A pitcher of spring water?  Sparkling? Yeah okay.”  I’d like to meet for a Gatorade because at least that would be hydrating, but no, the meetings always revolve around most water depleting thing – the coffee the beer, so you have to be like drinking water all day just to prepare for this meeting with your friend, who you don’t even want to talk to unless you can get either a stimulant or a depressant in your system.

Read on to see what happens when Ramona meets her friend for a coffee.

Photo by under one sky.

Buskers Busted

Watch ’til the end!

The Ferocious Few, by the way, are touring up and down the west coast in May!


The Ferocious Four

Ferocious in the Streets

Muni Diaries Live Breaking It Down at the Makeout Room Tonight

The Makeout Room has become the go-to location for folks who want a little bit of personal sharing with their whiskey, and tonight will be no different as it hosts the latest incarnation of Muni Diaries Live.  The fun starts at 7:30 TONIGHT and goes until 9:30pm, and it’s free!  Check out this line up:

Comedian Will Franken
Fun(ny) guy Johnny FunCheap
BART operator Kelly Beardsley
Vero Majano of Mission Media Archives
The delightful music of McPuzo and Trotsky
And last but not least, the Cock-Ts will return to … get us all in the mood.

I’m also excited by the prospect of Silvi from the Poetry Store hammering away on a good old-fashioned typewriter in the corner, chronicling the moments of the evening with a dash of poetic whimsy.

Come on out and prove that Muni riders can do a lot more than just complain about crazy delays caused by the horrific accident yesterday at Castro station that resulted in a person on the tracks being struck and killed by a Muni train, which tragically occured just one day after another unfortunate man died after being run over and then pinned underneath a bus.

[Photo by Rumnose via Muni Diaries]