‘White hipsters get out of Pilsen’

So, you think this whole anti-gentrification thing is unique to the Mission? Think again. It’s happening in the Pilsen neighborhood of Chicago, as you can see in this found racist rant accusing a loosely-defined group of people of being racist.

i don’t know, man astutely points out:

Pilsen is named for the Czech town of Plzen — Pilsner, a delicious type of lager beer is, too — because it was populated mainly by Czech immigrants in the early part of last century. As Czechs made a better life for themselves and probably moved out of the city to the suburbs, Chicago’s growing Latino population moved in.

What we have here is a chicken-or-the-egg problem. Who’s the most entitled to live anywhere? Amoebas floating in primordial soup, I reckon.

Anyway, I’m glad Asian hipsters are off the hook (not that I am one).

[chicagoist via beerandrap]

The corner of 21st and Folsom will never be the same

Without that big iconic awning full of big cartoon tortas.

The least these guys could’ve done is put up a more bulbous awning, with big cartoon Italian pastries on it.

UPDATE: Our pal Jacob L. just wrote in with another pressing concern re: this new awning:

Can we talk about the side of this awning on the 21st side?  First of all, it says “Um ! !”…do they mean “Mmmmm!!”, as in this is delicious…or are they puzzled about something?  Also, I am pretty sure “trees leches” is not the type of cake they are going to specialize in there…tres leches possibly, but milk trees cake doesn’t sound as good.

Super big gay dance party

If you’ve never experienced the magic that is Hard French, the wildly irreverent courtyard party thrown at El Rio on Saturdays, then you clearly aren’t doing this whole “livin’ in the Mission” thing right.  Luckily, this Saturday is your big chance to ameliorate that transgression, as Hard French is teaming up with Stay Gold and Mango to throw the most hella gay dance party afternoon of the year (so far) from 3-8pm.  Not only will there be rad jams and most likely a glitter kiddie pool, but your admission ($7-500 sliding scale) will help save the Dyke March which is in danger of being cancelled this year (and possibly forever) due to serious financial difficulties.  Check out all the deets here.

You’ve been warned, so don’t screw it up this time.

[Photo by Primo]

Anyone know what’s up with Tortas El Primo?

Tortas El Primo has been shut for a while and it looks like they’re tearing everything out inside.

No signs or anything. I searched around a little bit but haven’t found anything… anyone know? Remodel? Something entirely new? Chain pizza coming soon?

I’m a hipster

Our buddy Primo, commenting on that whole NYC hipster trap project, may have just offered up the most solid take on the age-old hipster debate. This just might end it all once and for all:

before everybody got lost

A. hipster=weird person musician artist poet etc
B . pink sunglasses+ neon bike chain + pbr +etc etc=urban outfitters clone…

the disappearence of the middle class continues to make Americans into bitchy clods but i’m a hipster and that’s why i live in the city, to make art and have fun, eat it

or move to Antioch or some shit where boring white people all get along

I’m a hipster. Eat it.

Thanks, Primo!

MM at SXSW: Shilpa Ray and Her Happy Hookers rock Barbarella

Shilpa Ray — she’s an Indian girl with soul-sister pipes, and she fronts basically a punk band in which she sings and plays some kind of janky old harmonium. It’s a killer mixture.

This video I took is not meant to be a primo concert film, but the sound is pretty good, and maybe it’ll give you a feel for what it’s like seeing Shilpa and Her Happy Hookers play at this club called Barbarella on a Friday afternoon at SXSW:

And lucky for us, she’s playing next Thursday at Bottom of the Hill!

Bart Montana of the World Champion San Francisco 49ers

Chelsea, I really hope you purchased this gem.

It’s right up there with Primo’s “nasty” shirt. The only thing that would be better is a Bartenator vs. Bartbo hoodie.

Nasty shirt

Uh, I would like to wear this while listening to the new Breezy Nix mix. Nasty!

[Photo by Primo]

Oldies Night goodies

Oldies Night at the Knockout was a blast as usual. Here are a couple gems that really made the grade:

Primo spun this one I think a total of three times, because the crowd demanded it. It got better every time, and I think it’s about to get even better RIGHT NOW:

(And, don’t forget, Primo’s bringing his skills to Mission United tonight. And there’s free food.)

Free Humphry Slocombe popsicles tonight at Mission United

*While supplies last! So get to Public Works early!

More reasons to get there early:

  1. Ryan who used to chef at Broken Record and Bruno’s will be dishing up free barbecue.
  2. $2 tequila shots and $3 beers from 8-10.
  3. Admission is only $5 before 10. $10 after.
  4. Primo goes on pretty early I think.

RSVP and invite your friends here.

Full event details after the jump:

[Photo by Emily]
