Fan Mail: Appropriating third world food and selling it on the streets to white crackers in sf

This nugget of win just came screaming into my inbox.

In response to the Magic Curry Kart starting a new Vietnamese porridge venture:

fuck white crackers with their start business loans and white cracker investors appropriating third world food and selling it on the streets to white crackers in sf and getting published in magazines and all you white yuppie/hipster cracker asses praising their bland ass versions in your yelp reviews and shitty cracker blogs. fuck you chef.


TCB: The Motion Picture

I know I’ve already gushed about TCB Courier, but their new commercial is killer.  Fixies, grabbing a pizza box while riding, diving into Bender’s to deliver said pizza and the whole production is topped off with some badass metal music.

(Must see Vimeo)

Mission & Valencia (1886 – Present)

Wha?  What are you doing here?  You should be off reading Burrito Justice, a blog that does actual RESEARCH.


This morning, B.J. did a bang-up job of outlining the past 123 years on Valencia/Mission, in honor of El Rio’s 31st birthday.  I suggest you take a look at this fantastic post, especially if you love San Francisco history (HELLO!  Remember how much you loved  Milk?).  Thanks to Burrito Justice for picking up our slack.

[Note: The bar in the image above is totally not El Rio.  What, I have time to comb through archives all of a sudden?]

Fashion Watch: Spooky's Beheaded Unicorn Shirt is the Best Shirt Ever Made


This t shirt has nothing to do with the Mission but everything to do with being awesome.


Hella Old Interview With Adam Infanticide

Screen shot 2009-10-21 at 7.02.48 AM

I figure if I can still unironically enjoy Biggie’s “Mo Money, Mo Problems,” I can link to a 5-year-old interview with my new favorite sticker artist (via Wooster Collective):

What is your favorite thing to do on your day off from work?: art or sex, but even though I don’t have a job right now, I still don’t seem to do either as much as I’d like.
What is your favorite color?: green or purple or something.
Who (or what) do you love?: idiot art, copyright infringement, music, efficient public transportation, soul sistas, Mary Hopkin, vandalism, my friends, etc. I don’t actually love: fascism, racial profiling, police brutality, prison labor.
What other talent would most like to have? I’d like to be able to interact normally with other people and/or play the piano hella good.

Read on…

(Photo by Rick Audet | Thanks for the tip Gwen!)


(photo by jeffgage)

Dolores Park Aerial


Telstar Logistics hopped aboard a Cessna 182 and took a whole mess of aerial shots around SF.

(Flickr Gallery)




You can retrieve your Aftershox disc on the sidewalk of 23rd St. between Valencia and San Jose.

PHINEAS: You will likely need to burn Jon a new CD.

El Rio Turns 31

Broke-Ass Stuart alerts us to El Rio‘s 31st anniversary party.  Tonight at 8 p.m. and free!


“Bands/Dj’s, BBQ, Games and You!”, their website reads.

Happy birthday to this neighborhood institution!

COMING SOON: Death Bread

Muy Pronto!  Pan de Muerto!

pan de muerto

Window of the Panaderia near 24th St. BART.

Death bread!  Clearly a Dia de los Muertos delicacy!  I turned to Wikipedia (the authority on Mexican culture) for some education, but alas, the entry is paltry.  I did, however, appreciate their description: “a soft bread shaped like a bun with bone like pieces.”

Why doesn’t anyone ever bake bread shaped like this?:

1 rawhide bone

Thanks to Rachel for sending in!

Blondies' Has Music & Booze

Daaang.  Joshua writes in with a treatise on Blondies’ Bar & No Grill, Mission bars in gen, and his band Neighbors.  Sometimes these posts just write themselves, people:

have you guys ever been to blondies?

the band Little Wings played there last sunday night, pretty amazing set, for such a small place, they’ve got an amazing sound system. They’re more known for their martinis than the live shows they put on but their promoter, Alex Gallagher has been putting on some big name acts mixed in with local bands that aren’t doing that whole “GARAGE / NOISE” bs, musicians more interested in music than hipsters.
The martinis are amazing though, stuffed olives (ginger / jalapeno / bleu cheese & some other stuff I can’t remember), they use top shelf gins & serve it in a 16oz glass for 11 bucks. Which means you can split it up into two drinks, one for you & one for someone special.
Mainly, I wanted to show you guys this.
that’s the flier for the show being put on by Blondies next
sunday, October 25th.
Ashley, Eden & myself are in the band called Neighbors.
We’ve been playing around lately, Kimos, the Knockout,
last thursday, the Hemlock. Even still, we like Blondies
best, it has the mission feel without any of the pretense that
one might recieve if youwere to say, wear the wrong style
jacket into the Knockout. NO THANKS!!!! you know?
its just a good neighborhood bar, like El Rio.

Whew. Feel free to wear whatever style jacket you want at Blondies’ while slammin back an $11 double.

Thanks for writing in, J! And way to sell an idea. I actually had no idea Blondies’ put on shows.